AppCUI Initialization

AppCUI framework must be initilized using the following APIs:

bool AppCUI::Application::Init(InitializationFlags flags = InitializationFlags::None);
bool AppCUI::Application::Init(InitializationData& initData);

Where InitializationFlags is defined as follows:

enum class InitializationFlags : unsigned int
    None                    = 0,

    CommandBar              = 0x0001,
    Menu                    = 0x0002,
    Maximized               = 0x0004,
    Fullscreen              = 0x0008,
    FixedSize               = 0x0010,
    LoadSettingsFile        = 0x0020,
    AutoHotKeyForWindow     = 0x0040,
    EnableFPSMode           = 0x0080,
    SingleAppWindow         = 0x0100,
    DisableAutoCloseDesktop = 0x0200,


  • CommandBar - if set, this flags specifies that a command bar (with shortcut keys) will be available to use

  • Menu - if set, am application maenu bar will be created and Application::AddMenu(...) can be used to add Menus and Sub-menus to it

  • Maximized - maximize AppCUI OS window. Depending on the selected front-end, this feature may be limited. See AppCUI front ends for more details.

  • Fullscreen - full screen mode. Depending on the selected front-end, this feature may be limited. See AppCUI front ends for more details.

  • FixedSize - if set, the AppCUI OS window can not change its size. Depending on the selected front-end, this feature may be limited. See AppCUI front ends for more details.

  • LoadSettingsFile - if set, a file with the same name as the main executable but with extension .ini will be search in the same folder as the main executable. If found, that file will be automatically loaded and its content will be available through Application::GetAppSettings() API. If a section named [APPCUI] exists in this file, the values described in this section will be used to initialized AppCUI envinronment. An example of such a ini file can be seen in the following example:

  • AutoHotKeyForWindow - if set, any new window that is being added in the application, will automatically be assign with a hotkey (from Alt+1 to Alt+9) if that hotkey is not being used by another window and if the window that is currently being added does not already have a hot key associated.

  • EnableFPSMode - if set, enables a mode when Control::OnFrameUpdate is called 30 times per second (basically enabling a game or video display mode).

  • SingleAppWindow - if set, it enable single app mode. This mode will not allow one to add multiple windows to the desktop or to use Application::Run() API. Instead, a class derived from SingleApp must be derived and AppCUI execution has to be started using Application::RunSingleApp(...) API.

  • DisableAutoCloseDesktop - if set, it will not close the App the moment the last window is closed (this is the default behavior). This is usefull if you have a custom deskopt or menus that can spawn anothe window and as such you do not need to close current application when all existing windows are closed.

Frontend = default      ; possible values: default,SDL, terminal, windows
Size = default          ; possible values: a size (width x height), maximized, fullscreen
CharacterSize = default ; possible values: default, tiny, small, normal, large, huge
Fixed = false           ; possible values: true or false
Theme = default         ; possible values: default, dark, light or the name of a .theme file

InitializationData structure

InitializationData represent a struct that described all parameters needed to initialized AppCUI framework

struct InitializationData
   unsigned int                  Width, Height;
   FrontendType                  Frontend;
   CharacterSize                 CharSize;
   InitializationFlags           Flags;
   std::string_view              FontName;
   Utils::FixSizeString<32>      ThemeName;
   ThemeType                     Theme;
   SpecialCharacterSetType       SpecialCharacterSet;
   AppCUI::Controls::Desktop*    CustomDesktop;

width FrontendType defined as follows:

enum class FrontendType: unsigned int
   Default        = 0,
   SDL            = 1,
   Terminal       = 2,
   WindowsConsole = 3

CharacterSize defined as:

enum class CharacterSize: unsigned int
   Default = 0,

SpecialCharacterSetType defined as:

enum class SpecialCharacterSetType: unsigned int
   Auto          = 0,
   Unicode       = 1,
   LinuxTerminal = 2,
   Ascii         = 3

and ThemeType defined as:

enum class ThemeType: unsigned int
   Default = 0,


  1. Quick intialization

if (AppCUI::Application::Init()==false) {
   // Appcui failed to initialize
  1. Initialize from INI file

if (AppCUI::Application::Init(InitializationFlags::LoadSettingsFile)==false) {
   // Appcui failed to initialize
  1. Initialize from INI file but also specify that a Menu and Command bar will be used

if (AppCUI::Application::Init(InitializationFlags::LoadSettingsFile |
                              InitializationFlags::Menu |
                              InitializationFlags::CommandBar) == false) {
   // Appcui failed to initialize
  1. Full customized initialization (an SDL based application , with the size of 120x30 characters, dark theme, using Consolas font (small size) and with a Menu and CommandBar.

InitializationData initData;
initData.Width               = 120;
initData.Height              = 30;
initData.FrontendType        = Frontend::SDL;
initData.CharSize            = CharacterSize::Small;
initData.FontName            = "Consolas";
initData.Theme               = ThemeType::Dark;
initData.SpecialCharacterSet = SpecialCharacterSetType::Unicode;
initData.Flags               = InitializationFlags::Menu | InitializationFlags::CommandBar;

if (AppCUI::Application::Init(initData) == false) {
   // Appcui failed to initialize

For more example check out our examples code: